Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a lament...

(i am taking a class at church where they asked us to write a "psalm of lament". below is what came about... picture by Gareth Bate)

To You O LORD I lift up this plea.
To You Alone may my soul's cry rise.
You are the One who fashioned the heavens.
You formed the stars and named each one.
You appointed the sun to rule over the day
and the moon to govern the night.
You orchestrated the seasons that the earth
may find its breath, its death, and its life.
You said to the seas, "you may go this far,
but here are your borders."
You are the Sovereign One above all.

To You O LORD I lift up this plea.
To You Alone may my soul's cry rise.
You are the One who fashioned this man.
You formed my being and bestowed a name.
You appointed my each and every moment,
and You know the plans You have for me.
You orchestrate my seasons that I might
find my breath, my death, and Your new life.
You have said to my enemies, "you may go this far,
but here are your borders."
You are the Sovereign One over me.

To You O LORD I lift up this plea.
To You Alone may my soul's cry rise.
Why have You fashioned me with such frailty?
I am formed powerless to do that which I ought to do.
Why have You appointed me to know
certain ambiguity in the moments of my day?
Why have You orchestrated this season so that
I feel far removed from our intimate acquaintance?
Why have You hemmed me in saying "here are your borders."
You are the One who brought me here!
You!?! You are the Sovereign ONE???

To You O LORD I lift up this plea.
To You Alone may my soul's cry rise.
You are the One who fashions & who forms.
You are the One who appoints & who knows.
You are the One who orchestrates & who speaks.
You are the Sovereign ONE.
You Alone hold my hope, my life, my everything.
You are the Sovereign ONE who loves me!

To You O LORD I lift up this plea.
To You Alone may my soul's cry rise.

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