Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bucks, Browns, and Believing…

OK, I just need get a quick thought out… This is the time of year where I start to reevaluate my “fanhood.” This past weekend the Buckeyes got drubbed and the Browns found a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory against the Steelers - again. It was one of those weekends that made me feel like the “new guy in the corner puking his guts out – whouh whouh!” (There's my Tommy Boy reference for the day).

As odd as it sounds, rooting for my childhood loves has ingrained in me an incessant sense that begs me to continue believing, and hoping. Even though I have seen 3 losses in the AFC Championship, 2 losses in the National Championship, and only one championship in my 30 years of life I find that there is something in me that will not give up on these squads. Do the math; 1 championship split between two teams over 30 years would not be considered a good return on my investment of fanhood. I understand my loyalty to these teams is nonsensical. I can’t explain it or put my finger on the reason, but I know in the end I will always demonstrate my affection for these squads.

Come what may, there will always be a way to believe that next week, next month, and dare I say next year will be better though the results often do not warrant such hope. It seems to prove the truth in Proverbs 22. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” So, I guess realistically all that I have left to say is “O - H”…

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